Well, fame is all relative, right?
VICE magazine’s May 2015 issue is focused on environmental crises of various kinds. One of the feature articles is on sea star wasting, which I’ve blogged about before, beginning in September 2013. The author of the VICE article, Nathaniel Rich, came out to the marine lab and interviewed me and some other folks back in February, and a photo crew came out to do a shoot in March.
Here’s the article. Overall I think Nathaniel did a good job; this is one of the better lay person articles I’ve read about wasting. He was able to convey the concern we biologists have about wasting, and the effects it could have on the ecology of the intertidal and subtidal marine habitats, without being too alarmist.
There is one glaring mistake in the first part of the article, which I’m positive must be a misunderstanding of something that I may have said to him. Can you find it?