One of my favorite seabirds is the pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columba). According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithololgy, pigeon guillemots should be present along the California coast year-round, but I seem to see them only during the summer breeding season, when they forage close to shore. Having first to incubate eggs, and then to feed hungry chicks, the adults cannot venture too far from land. At this time they are central place foragers, which just means that they make short flights to find food, then always return to the same site (where the nest is). During the nonbreeding season the pigeon guillemots are still around, but forage farther out to sea. Once their young have fledged and are feeding on their own, there is no need for the adults to spend much time on land at all, and they certainly are no longer tied to any particular location.
This morning I was at the marine lab looking for the black oystercatcher chicks that hatched recently. I didn’t seem them today. However, patience was rewarded and I saw a pair of pigeon guillemots land on one of the cliffs near where I was sitting. For a while they just rested, then they rose up onto their feet and started circling around each other. That sure looked like courtship behavior, so I brought up the camera and snapped away.
Given how conspicuous those red feet are, it’s no surprise that they are indeed used in courtship displays. The birds walk around each other to show off their feet, and touch their bills together. The inner surface of the mouth is a matching crimson color. Presumably the redness indicates vitality that would be desirable in a mate.
I’ve seen pigeon guillemots nesting in cliffs up at Pigeon Point. I’m not sure where the birds at the marine lab have made their nests, though. Must investigate further!
Good to “hear” from you again, I last remember your blog from early in the year. This blog reminded me a special on shapes of eggs and they mentioned the shape of the pigeon guillemot eggs, with one end much pointier than the other. They think it’s because the nest tends to be on cliffs and in case a egg roll out, it won’t go too far. Ingenious.
Hi Sarah! Yeah, the spring semester kept me too busy to do much natural history stuff on my own. I’m looking forward to spending more time doing nature study now. And yes, the pointy guillemot eggs tend to roll in a circle instead of rolling off the cliff edge, and it is a terrific adaptation for these birds.
Great pictures! I can see why they’re called Pigeon guillemots. Thanks for posting.
Your posts are so enjoyable, I hope you are finding time to venture outside! Thank you for showing me that pigeons can be beautiful.
Thanks for the great pics and info about these cute birds! I have yet to see one in the wild but will keep an eye out 🥰