In the spirit of June as Pride month, I thought it would be fun to showcase the colors of the intertidal. All of these are photos that I’ve taken at various sites since January 2019. Here goes!
Red, including pink
Bossiella, one of the coralline algaeAssorted red algaeCryptopleura ruprechtianaErythrophyllum delesserioidesMastocarpus papillatusOdonthalia floccosaOkenia rosacea, a nudibranch on coralline algaeOphlitaspongia, a red spongeTetraclita rubescens, a large barnacleTonicella lokii, a chiton
Anthopleura artemisiaAnteaeolidiella oliviae, a nudibranchBalanophyllia elegans, a cup coralPatiria miniata, the bat starPisaster ochraceus, the ochre starPisaster ochraceus, the ochre starSerpula columbiana, a tube wormTriopha maculata, a nudibranch
Yellow, including gold and ochre
Aglaophenia, a colonial hydroidA baby rockweedDesmarestia ligulataDictyoneurum californicumEgg mass of a small whelkDoriopsilla, a nudibranchFlowers of the surfgrass PhyllospadixYellow spongeVentral surface of Tegula brunnea
Lepidozona radians, a chitonLittorina sp., periwinkle snailsShells of Mytilus californianusMytilus californianusMussels, sea, and skyTegula funebralis, turban snails
Haliclona cinerea, a spongeMazzaella flaccida, a red algaPisaster ochraceus, the ochre starShell of Trivia, a tiny cowrieStrongylocentrotus purpuratus, the purple urchinStrongylocentrotus purpuratus, the purple urchin
And there you have it! Happy Pride, everybody!
1 thought on “All the colors of the rainbow”
Superb! I’ve seen the orange and purple seastars, and the green anemones. Such a bright world!
Superb! I’ve seen the orange and purple seastars, and the green anemones. Such a bright world!