And I don’t mean plague as in “too many stars to know what to do with,” but as in “disastrous sickness that you don’t want to catch.” Some of the stars in my seawater table have been succumbing to some awful disease lately. A week ago today I noticed that many stars had been busy cannibalizing one of their compadres. Sometimes this just happens, and it doesn’t necessarily indicate that things are about to go south. But when I looked more closely I noticed that the victim, instead of just being eaten, had autotomized its arms. Autotomy occurs in most sea stars and other invertebrates, and in fact is used as a method of clonal replication in some stars and many cnidarians. The species of star that is being affected by this plague (Pisaster ochraceus, the common ochre star) isn’t one that readily autotomizes except in response to some external stress, such as a predator pulling on an arm.
So something was going on in this table. On Monday (Labor Day) I popped in for a quick check and although nobody had lost any arms I couldn’t be absolutely sure that everything was okay. Some of the Pisasters were a little squishy and had arms that were a little twisted. On Tuesday morning there was no autotomy but in the afternoon a star had lost an arm, greatly disturbing the student lab assistant who discovered it. On Wednesday the table looked like an asteroid battlefield:

© 2013 Allison J. Gong
Many of the other Pisasters were also showing signs of sickness: curly arms (visible in the yellow star in the lower right corner of the photo above. Another ominous sign is that some of the apparently sickly stars were kind of squishy, indicating that the water vascular systems were somehow compromised.
Severed arms littered the table. The autotomized arms retain mobility for quite a while after being cast off–they literally don’t know that they’re dead.

After removing the corpses and cleaning the table as best I could I was able to take a closer look at the survivors. I noticed that most of the remaining Pisaster stars had twisty or crossed arms, and some showed pretty severe stretching in the interambulacral area (“armpit” between adjacent rays), which I think is the first stage of autotomy.
The disease progresses very rapidly, and within an hour a star in this condition had pulled off one arm and was working on another.

© 2013 Allison J. Gong
Unfortunately, this disease also affects other species. My Orthasterias koehleri (rainbow star) decided to join the fun. When I arrived Wednesday morning it was intact. It dropped an arm. I went away for about 40 minutes to take care of tasks in a different building, and when I returned it had lost two more arms:

© 2013 Allison J. Gong
Alas, my one and only Orthasterias succumbed later in the day and was dead on Thursday. Interestingly, the disease does not seem to affect either Patiria miniata (bat stars) or Dermasterias imbricata (leather stars). In fact, the Patiria have been eating pretty well over the past week, scavenging on the carcasses of the plague victims. I don’t know if eating the diseased tissue will cause problems later on.
On Friday I lost two more Pisasters and isolated the Patiria and Dermasterias into tanks. A colleague of mine calls this the Molokai treatment, and I probably should have done it sooner, but I figured that at this point all the stars in the table were exposed to whatever pathogen is causing this disease so at that point why bother? However, I will need to sequester the healthy stars in order to disinfect the table once the disease has run its course, so into tanks they went.
After checking on the stars Saturday morning I am cautiously optimistic that the plague may have run its course. One more Pisaster, that was looking sickly the day before, had died, but my last two appeared healthy. Their arms were not curly, I didn’t see any interambulacral stretching, and they felt nice and hard when I poked at them. All of these are good signs, but I will continue to keep close watch on them. If they make it to Monday we just might be out of the woods.
As of today, one week after I noticed the first severe symptoms, I have lost 80% of my Pisaster collection. To put that in to context, this mortality rate is every bit as bad as some villages that were virtually wiped out by the medieval Black Death.
I’m sure you read your friend Chris’ article about the possible plague spotted off the coast of Vancouver a few weeks ago, and while I would hate to draw conclusions from two far-flung occurrences, this is a spooky timing. I hope things get better for your remaining five armed friends!
Hi Eric (and yes, I know it’s you!)–Yes, I’ve seen Chris’ blog entries, and agree that it may not be a coincidence for wasting disease to have been recorded in the field and in the lab at the same time. If water temperature is part of the equation, we have indeed had warmer-than-usual temps at the lab–several uninterrupted weeks now of 16-17 degrees, which while not unheard of in the late summer is a bit unusual in my experience. So maybe that is a factor.
I have one remaining 5-armed friend of that species. 🙁
The stars in our Sanctuary Visitor Center located in San Francisco all succumbed on October 1, 2013 (the day of the government shutdown). We are now doing some monitoring out in the field in collaboration with PISCO. See more information about the disease and the tracking and documentation of the disease along the entire coastline,
We were discussing this at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Exploration Center in Santa Cruz.
Is there any further update or explanation on this? Most alarming. Do you know Pauline Seales?
At Natural Bridges state marine reserve we never noticed diseased Pisasters but now they seem to be gone entirely from the visitor tide pool area
Hi Pauline–I was down at Natural Bridges a few weekends ago and didn’t see any Pisaster at all. The tide wasn’t very low, but even where I was I should have been able to see stars along the lower edges of the mussel beds. Recently John and Devon Pearse did a more thorough search for stars at Natural Bridges and found only a handful or two. Whatever is causing this disease kills the animals very quickly, and they just seem to disappear. It is strange that, in a place that gets as much traffic as Natural Bridges, nobody seemed to see any sick stars….the stars are simply melting away.
We are having very similar issues on the East Coast. Typically I wouldn’t make any comparisons due to the long distance between us but we’ve also seen a substantial decline in our sea star population.
I had heard that something similar was happening on the east coast, too. Did you happen to notice if the sea star population had gotten very large before the outbreak of wasting disease?
I’m a lurker to your blog, but thank you for your huge effort and publication for some of our small marine creatures!
Thank you for following my blog, Shari! It is my pleasure to share what I know about my beloved marine creatures.